Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Week of May 13th - Spring Cleaning (and Mac Updates)

It's Spring and Time for Mac Spring Updates:

To ensure that our 10,000+ TTSD devices remain in optimal condition for staff and students, we are adopting a shared responsibility model for keeping them updated. The IT Department is dedicated to simplifying this process for you. 

Specifically for Mac users, over the next two weeks, you will receive several prompts on your computer. These are designed to guide you through updating your Mac laptop to the latest applications and operating system versions. This will not only enhance performance but also apply crucial security patches, ensuring smoother and more secure usage.

Here are the dates when automatic updates will be available on your computer. Please take a moment to install them when prompted
  • May 14 (Wednesday AM) - Chrome and Firefox
  • May 15 (Thursday AM) - Papercut update 
  • May 16 (Friday, AM) - Check your Google Drive for Desktop to ensure backups are running  
  • May 20 - 23 (Monday - Thursday)  Mac OS Update 

This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2

NOTE: If you do not want to be interrupted (with some advance notice) on any of the updates, you can take action before the date above using the links provided.

  • Chrome update - LINK 
  • Papercut update - LINK
  • Google Drive for Desktop - Here's a reminder link on HOW TO set this up
  • Mac OS Update - LINK

Week of Dec 16th - (1) MacOS Update to v15.x, (2) COLOR at the Print Shop & (3) Applications and Limitations of AI !

Time to Update Your Mac: Stay Secure and Compatible As we approach Winter Break, it's the perfect time to ensure your Mac laptop is up ...