Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Week of Dec 13th - WINTER BREAK


TTSD's winter break runs Dec 18th through Jan 2nd and is an excellent opportunity to run some lengthy updates.  All staff with TTSD technology please perform the following during your break to ensure your technology devices are working optimally and are secure.  It is the TTSD staff member's responsibility to back up their work documents and run the latest updates on TTSD issued devices. You may take these steps anytime before mid January 2022.


  1.  Check that you are backing up important work files from your laptop/mobile device/s: 
    1. Computer Backup Instructions for laptops [could take a few minutes, up to a few hours]
    2. Instruction to Backup iPad Apps
  2. Run Operating System updates: [could take ~1 hour]
    1. Update macOS computer << Please NOTE Step #3, click MORE INFO....

Our printshop staff will also be taking the Winter Break off for some well-deserved rest.  Please note print jobs submitted just before the break and/or during the break will begin being processed on January 3rd (with a 3-5 day turn around).  Thank you for your pre-planning and support of our print shop team. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Week of December 6th

Where Should I Go to Learn of Wide-Spread Technology Issues at TTSD?

  • At times, we may experience wide-spread technical hiccups.  As soon as the IT Department knows and confirms the outage, the first place staff (and students) should check is the Announcements on the TTSD Ticket System

Examples may include - Canvas outage, Synergy outage, Google slowness, Amazon Web Service outage (like this week) - impacting logins to various TTSD systems, etc.

F = NG in Synergy Overall Grade

Per TTSD grading guidance for 2021-22 school year (see October 2021 communication from T&L below), we have adjusted the Synergy Report Card Score Type of Genesis grading to reflect this adjustment.  If you are using this score type in your gradebook (it's the default), you may notice your F's have automatically be adjusted to "NG"

Middle School Grade/Reporting Communication 

The below guidance was in play for quarter one, but will be extended for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year as we continue to experience COVID specific issues with quarantining and flexing instructional models/plans for many of our students, which has brought with it continued learning on the part of our parents, students, and teachers in dealing with health and protocol related issues.

Because students and teachers have had to continue to adjust to current in-person protocols, routines and systems changes, grades for the 21-22 school year are reflective of learning outcomes in the following way:  

Grades will be provided as indicated by an A, B, C, D  or NG (No Grade).  If a student receives an NG, it must be followed up with a comment with further explanation as to what the NG means/represents.
  • This decision allows for student progress to be shared by letter grades already established and with the understanding that the adjustments are necessary due to COVID related protocols impacting students at all levels.
  • F's can be defeating for students initially with the unpredictable shifts in delivery of instruction that can and have occurred. Given the many variables that continue to be beyond our control at this time, we will continue this year in issuing NGs (No Grade) with comments when necessary and continue to reflect learning outcomes using grades of A, B, C or D.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Week of November 29, 2021

Embedded Videos on iPads, Slow Internet, Google Timeout & Filter Errors

  • Two known issues we are facing with our new Internet filter (LightSpeed):
    1. EMBEDDED video links to either YouTube or Google Drive will not work on iPads.  Many teachers have streamlined their presentations with embedded videos in their Google Slides or on a Canvas page.  Unfortunately, the security settings we need on LightSpeed are preventing these from playing on student iPads.  Please place a DIRECT LINK to the video rather than embedding it for your K-8the grade students.
    2. Computers (laptops, desktops -- not Chromebooks or iPads) are experiencing slowness, website/Google drive "offline," and some wifi disconnects. We are working closely with the vendor to remedy this issue. Restarting your computer often temporarily fixes the issue. If you are experiencing this issue, please share your experience in this ONE question survey

Down Day Weekend - 1st Weekend in December

The first Sunday of EACH month is reserved for the IT Department to perform disruptive (but necessary) maintenance on our networks systems.  With 24/7 access to online resources for our staff and students, we have reserved the FIRST Sunday of each month to perform this work.

Please note Sunday there will likely be disruption to various systems that may impact your access to: TTSD phone system, network resources (wifi), internet filter and Mac/iPad "Self Service"

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Week of November 15, 2021

2021-22 Grading Periods:

In Canvas, teachers can choose to view assignments by individual grading period OR all grading periods, by: 
  1. Open course card
  2. Go to "Grades" menu
  3. Click View >> Filter >> Grading Periods

  4. Choose which grading period you want from the  NEW dropdown menu in the upper right corner

(NOTE: if assignments do not have any due dates, the last grading period will be automatically assigned. ** If you are "missing" assignments, please turn on your Grading Period filters (directions above))

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Week of November 1, 2021

 Secondary Teachers: Canvas and Synergy

Last year we introduced Canvas as the TTSD LMS, due to its ability to manage more online learning needs . These features included: integration with 3rd party apps, a fully functional grade book, parent interface, and the potential sync to Synergy to ease in grade posting and transfer to Synergy to name a few.  Additionally, ur new MTSS system (iON) is able to pull grade book assignments and grades from Synergy to help us identify students who are in need of additional support, saving our staff countless hours data mining systems to create adhoc reports for weekly meetings. 

It's been a stressful start to the Fall 2021 school year, and I want to acknowledge quite a few things have changed since we left TTSD schools in March 2020.  As we try to settle into this school year and embrace all that it has to offer, I'm very aware that some of the systems setup was just "too much" for many at the beginning of the year.  

Conferences last week were a great opportunity for us to view our setup from parents perspective. We have found it's important to "regroup" and ensure Canvas is set up to communicate well with students and parents.  So, we have created TWO helpful knowledgebase (KB) articles to help our teachers review their Canvas setup so it syncs seamlessly with Synergy (and therefore with the MTSS system and displays an overall course grade for student/parents).

Highlights for Teachers:

  • Use Canvas gradebook exclusively for all of your class assignments (digital or paper/pencil or participation points)
  • Match your Assignment Groups in Canvas with your Assignment categories in Synergy grade book
  • Double check the assignments you want to sync are in sync
    • by either comparing your Grades in Canvas with the Synergy gradebook
    • or an alternate way is to ask a student to show you both views from their perspective (this will help you see how it appears to students and parents)
  • Set up your Canvas course card to "nightly sync" with Synergy
  • Review the KB articles for tips and tricks on grade passback (Canvas > Synergy).

2021-22 Canvas Course Setup Checklist - Secondary Teachers

 Elementary Teachers: Canvas and Seesaw

As many of you complete your Canvas course card setup, we have heard that some teachers are enjoying the use of SeeSaw with younger students.  To create an EASY link from Canvas to SeeSaw, you can download the following SeeSaw image and use the CRAZY long link to link the image directly to SeeSaw (magically without having to go through Clever app first):

CRAZY Link:  


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Week of October 25, 2021

 Technology-Related Reminders for this Week:

  • Oct. is Cyber Security awareness month.  Two requirements:
  • Quarter 1 Grading is around the corner (November 12th is Grading Day):
    • Elementary staff to complete Academic Feedback Form (instructions) and post to Canvas InBox for families to receive
    • Secondary staff to post grades in Synergy to be printed on Qt1 Report Cards (instructions), which will be posted to ParentVUE for families to receive

Technology Need to Know Updates:

  • Please do NOT update to iOS 15 or macOS Monterey. These OSes are not supported by LightSpeed yet. (our new internet filter)
  • Mac users were impacted by a district-wide (3000+ computers) internet filter software updated on Wednesday around 2:30pm.  Reinstalling LightSpeed from Self Service and restarting resolves this issue.  

Canvas Grade Passback:

  • GREAT NEWS - Gradebook nightly sync is now available (KB article for details)
  • Known "Gotchas" as a Reminder:
    • Canvas "do not count towards final grade" setting on assignment does NOT transfer to "not for grading in Synergy gradebook:
      • SOLUTION: do not sync this assignment
    • Canvas "Missing" status on assignment does NOT currently set the MI (missing) comment in Synergy.
      • SOLUTION: View missing individual assignment status in Canvas

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Technology Update - Week of Oct 18, 2021


TTSD Filter Update = "Update Now"

You may notice a Smart Agent update on your Mac computers, if. you see the following, please DO click "Update Now." The update will take place in the background...

Canvas Release Notes (2021-10-16)

Additional Details, see the 2021-10-16 Community Tag

New Features

  • Navigation: Sticky Navigation Menus
  • SpeedGrader: Submission Status Label Edits

Updated Features

  • Gradebook: Assignment Search
  • Notifications: Course Notification Customization

Feature Previews

  • Rich Content Editor: Accessibility Checker Indicator Default Setting Adjustment

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 Cyber Security Training for all TTSD Staff - Complete by Oct 29, 2021

Take the Training

Cyber security awareness is now critically important for both your personal and staff/student safety and wellness. In this 15 training, you will find valuable and entertaining information on how to protect personal information and why TTSD is implementing Multi-Factor Authentication on all staff Google Accounts by November 1st.  (KB article for help on Muti-Factor Authentication setup)

Cyber Security Training includes:
  • Best Practices
  • Data Security
  • Ransomware

Below is a funny reminder that nothing on the internet is really free. Free content is usually supported by advertising, and the more advertisers know about customers the better they can target advertisements effectively. Your personal information itself is a BIG money game in the world of advertising and online sales!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Technology Update - End of September 2021

Middle and High School Teachers: Canvas "Grade Passback" is READY.  Students can begin seeing their overall grades through StudentVUE by next week:

Knowledgebase Articles: 

      1. "Syncing Assignments & Scores To Synergy ("Grade Passback")
      2. "Canvas Grade Passback - Advanced Features & "Need to Knows""

October is cyber security month

  • Watch for more information about online, self-paced TTSD staff security training!

Multi-factor Authentication for Staff Email:

Coming Soon...2-Step Verification for Google Suite. Required by November 1st 2021.
To clarify a few details:
  • With all the cyber crime, ransomware attacks and phishing attempts directed to K-12 institutions, we need to step up our security to protect our data and our students' data!
  • You may set this up now or WAIT until after school begins and set up 2-Step verification in October.  But Beginning November 1, 2021, it will be required for all TTSD staff Google accounts.
  • We are indeed enforcing 2-factor for the Google suite on November 1st - This means all staff will need to set it up within the next two months in order to access email and drive, etc. (all google things). This will also effect any 3rd party app that uses google to authenticate (Slack, Trello, Freshservice, etc).
  • The primary method we are suggesting is for people to use their cell phone to receive a text or phone call. If you do not want to use a personal device they can use their desk phone or Jabber to receive a phone call, or if you are comfortable you can use any other device to receive other google methods of 2nd factor authentication (google prompt, google authenticator, etc.)
  • Action Item: Detailed instructions for setting up the service can be found at TTSD Google Workspace - Two Factor Authentication (2FA). It only takes a few minutes - just do it now and get it over with! 

Change coming to TTSD Staff iPad's Mail Setup: 
  • On Oct 4th, we will be updating our configuration for TTSD email on TTSD staff iPads in order to accommodate for the 2 factor authentication requirement on TTSD staff email of November 1, 2021.  On Oct 4th, you will notice that your TTSD account will be removed from your iPad.  

Monday, September 20, 2021

Week of September 20

 Week of September 20

Help Ticket Best Practices

Thank you for your patience these first few weeks while we juggle all of the beginning-of-year tech setups and hiccups!

We are finding our groove within our new help ticket request system, and have put together a list of best practices that will help ensure that tickets get to the correct person and resolved as quickly as possible.

1. Please include a screenshot of the problem, if applicable.

2. Please include the asset tag number for any devices that the ticket pertains to - it is the number on the red barcode sticker that is on your device.

3. RESOLVED Tickets:

  • If the solution has NOT worked, please reply within the original ticket to re-open it.
  • If the solution HAS worked, please do not reply to the ticket. As much as we appreciate a "thank you!", the unfortunate thing is that those messages both re-open the ticket and send the technician not one but two new emails, thus clogging both their email and the ticket system, which slows everything down. 
  • If you have a separate issue, however, please DO submit a new ticket. For example, if you have an issue with your document camera, and your technician resolves it, but then you have an issue getting in to iReady, that would be a new issue requiring a new ticket - this way it gets to the correct technician faster!

A few things that do NOT fall under the Tech Support umbrella:

  • "My badge isn't working to let me into the building" - Please contact Lisa Beebe in Operations at 4019
  • "My last name has changed so I need my TTSD email to be changed" - Please contact Tara Baumann in HR at 4175
  • "I tried to do XX in Aesop and it isn't working" - Please contact Bobbie Franklin in HR at 4030
  • "I need to set up my email/employee portal/Synergy/Canvas on my personal phone/computer" - unfortunately, we can only provide support on devices that belong to the district, so sorry!

Thank you again for your collaboration, 

and for all the work you do for our TTSD students!

Monday, September 13, 2021

Secondary Teachers Canvas UPDATE

2021-2022 Week 2 - September 13

Congratulations on making it through the first week! Here are this week's updates:

Canvas >> Synergy Grade Passback

Hopefully you have by now heard that we implemented a new integration this summer that allows teachers to sync Canvas assignments and quizzes (along with their scores) to the Synergy Gradebook.  
~*~ This is a ONE WAY sync (Canvas > Synergy) ~*~

Hopefully you have also heard that teachers should only create assignments/quizzes in CANVAS and not Synergy to avoid potential duplicates down the road. 

IT will be testing the integration this next week with a small pilot group of teachers. We anticipate being able to send a follow up email the week of September 20 with detailed instructions for all teachers to implement this new feature.

STUDENTS & PARENTS can access INDIVIDUAL assignment grades in Canvas; 
the overall grade for the course will no longer be available here.

Once we complete the setup for the Canvas > Synergy sync, teachers will have the option to sync assignment grades to Synergy where both individual assignment grades & the OVERALL grade will be available to students & parents in StudentVUE/ParentVUE.


Cross-listing Courses and Course Card Name Changes
With the "new" way Canvas is initially displaying each period as an individual course card and the important step to Cross-list your classes so you end up with one course card per subject that you teach (Combining ("Cross Listing") Course Cards), it's important that you rename the remaining course card to REMOVE the period in the name.

ACTION ITEM: Here are the instructions for how to remove the period from the remaining course card so students don't' see a (potentially incorrect) period:

PS - The option to make a Canvas course card name changes will be open through Friday, September 17th.  

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Technology Update - September 1, 2021

 Welcome back!

Your TTSD Technology department looks forward to serving you and helping to make your 2021-2022 school year successful and connected!

As you prepare your classrooms for the upcoming year, please keep in mind the following:

Lightspeed - New Filter Software

If you haven't already, you will need to install the Lightspeed filter onto your district device(s)
This filter will give you internet access as s staff member on your device(s).

Action Item: Install Lightspeed filter manually:

  1. Open the Self Service app
  2. Find the Lightspeed Relay macOS Agent under the Common Applications category
  3. Click Install
NOTE: This will restart your computer. Please save all your works before proceeding.

  • Please go to this website to find your IP address
  • Put in a help ticket with the IP address and we can install the program remotely for you

Coming Soon...2-Step Verification for Google Suite. Required by November 1st 2021.
To clarify a few details:
  • With all the cyber crime, ransomware attacks and phishing attempts directed to K-12 institutions, we need to step up our security to protect our data and our students' data!
  • You may set this up now or WAIT until after school begins and set up 2-Step verification in October.  But Beginning November 1, 2021, it will be required for all TTSD staff Google accounts.
  • We are indeed enforcing 2-factor for the Google suite on November 1st - This means all staff will need to set it up within the next two months in order to access email and drive, etc. (all google things). This will also effect any 3rd party app that uses google to authenticate (Slack, Trello, Freshservice, etc).
  • The primary method we are suggesting is for people to use their cell phone to receive a text or phone call. If you do not want to use a personal device they can use their desk phone or Jabber to receive a phone call, or if you are comfortable you can use any other device to receive other google methods of 2nd factor authentication (google prompt, google authenticator, etc.)
  • Action Item: Detailed instructions for setting up the service can be found at TTSD Google Workspace - Two Factor Authentication (2FA). It only takes a few minutes - just do it now and get it over with! 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Welcome Back 2021-22!

Welcome back TTSD Staff to an AWESOME new school year! 

We are READY & looking forward to seeing you!

Canvas Course Cards are READY


Remind is READY 

Clever Apps are READY

Summer Updates:

  • New Tech Request Trouble Ticket system for TTSD staff and secondary students:
  • New Knowledgebase for staff and students:
  • New Internet Filter (called LightSpeed) for PK-12 students and TTSD school network
  • New Chromebooks for incoming 9th graders (Thank you, 2017 Bond!)
  • New iPads for all incoming 7th and 8th graders (Thank you, 2017 Bond!)
  • New iPads for students at Durham and Tualatin Elem (Thank you, 2017 Bond!)
  • New UPSs and Switches (Thank you, E-Rate!)
  • Elementary Carts are re-strung and ready for students to return with their devices (Thank you ES Technicians!)

Welcome Back Everyone!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

First Sunday of the month = TTSD network maintenance day (August 1, 2021)

Quick note:

First Sunday of the month = TTSD network maintenance day

This Sunday, August 1st, will be our regularly scheduled network maintenance day. Please anticipate some interruption to services (like email, Wifi, Synergy, Infinite Visions, etc) as we update and patch our systems.

Special NOTE: We will also be performing an Infinite Visions update Friday evening (please see email from Jenn Madsen if you are an Infinite Visions user) that will cause some Friday and early Saturday disruption as well.

As always, thank you for your patience as we work to keep our systems working optimally for you and our students!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Technology Update - Week of May 16th

Canvas Feedback for 2021-22 School Year

  • What a crazy year! Help us improve how we use Canvas for the 2021-22 School Year:
    • (2) Feedback Sessions with IT Support 
    • Survey (coming May 20th - after 1st session)

End of Year Preparations (Canvas):

  1. May & June:
    1. ALL of your current Canvas course cards will be available next year under "Previous Enrollments" -- NO ACTION REQUIRED by you to back anything up or save it offline.
    2. Teachers using FLVS (Florida Virtual Schools Global) curriculum will LOSE access to the curriculum in August 2021.  However, FLVS quizzes will be available in your 2020-21 Canvas courses.
    3. Last day for teachers to edit Canvas grades will be June 21, 2021
    4. Last day for final grades to be entered into Synergy is June 17, 2021.
    5. 20-21 Grading Timeline
  2. Summer:
    1. "Students will have access to this year's courses until Jun 16, 2021. After that, their courses will be removed from their dashboards and they will not have access/will have read only access. Teachers will have access to make edits, score assignments, and make changes to grades in courses until Jun 21, 2021. After that, you will have read only access. (Don't worry though, you will still have access to import that content into next year's courses so you won't need to start from scratch!)"
    2. "Are you a go-getter, a planner, always two steps ahead? Do you hate vacation time and want to spend June and July preparing to mold young minds this fall? If you are planning on working on your Canvas Courses over the Summer to get a jump start on next year, here are a few ideas on where to start! 
      • Share to Commons If you'd like to share your course content to Commons privately, with others in the district, or with the public, you will need to do so before your course is concluded on June 21st. (Don't worry, you can still import the content without sharing to Commons if you choose. See below.)
      • Play with your "SAMPLE" Course  Since you won't have your course shells for next year's classes until closer to the fall, you can use your SAMPLE course or enter a tech request for a new course to begin preparing
      • Import From Commons Import content from courses you have shared to Commons or resources shared by other educators into your new Sandbox Courses.  
      • Copy Course Content From Past Course  You can import all of your course content from the previous year or select specific content from past courses. Here (in your Sandbox), you can make any additions or edits to prepare for next year. Make sure to select the box to include completed courses to get a full list.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Technology Update - Week of April 5th

Chrome Browser TUNE UP

    • Starting Monday this week, staff have reported a new Google Meet issue where their video freezes (audio and presentation continue to be fine). Please note we are aware of the problem and are working to find a quick solution. (The manual fix is to turn your camera off for ~5 sec and turn it back on).
    • To prepare yourself and your computer for the BEST Google Meet experience, please follow these easy and quick steps in THIS TTSD knowledgbase Article 

Google Meet Troubleshooting

Staff with frozen Google Meet video or the camera and/or microphone doesn't work can
use these best practices & troubleshooting steps to hopefully solve the issues.

CANVAS: Qtr 3 to Qtr 4 Transition

Synchronous Instruction Tips

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Technology Update - Week of March 21

 Elementary Teachers & Canvas Gradebook:

  • The last day for students who are moving to a new class after Spring Break was March 19th.  However, you can still enter and view grades in Canvas Grade by following these directions: 
  • NEW students to your class will be added on March 22nd.  
    • These students will also be added to your other apps on March 22nd/23rd:  Seesaw, Remind, TeacherVUE, iReady, etc.

    New District Internet Filter Being Evaluated:

    • TTSD IT staff, along with staff at Metzger and Deer Creek, have been testing a new internet filter for our student devices.  Features we are looking at are: technician/principal reports & management, YouTube additional filtering, parent reports upon request, user interface for staff to view student activity, "flagged" activity and more.  Anticipated rollout of new internet filter is Sprig-Summer 2021.

      Sunday, March 14, 2021

      Technology Update - Week of March 14th

       Canvas Google Cloud Assignment Issues

      - Student submissions are not showing within Canvas after submitting through the Google Drive Cloud Assignment external tool. Ticket as been submitted with high priority to Instructure/ Canvas. Hope for a solution ASAP. 

      - Temporary workarounds may include: 
      1. Have students email/share their completed assignments with you.
      2. Create a complimentary assignment that is set to an Online assignment where students can submit their Google doc directly from Google Drive. 
      3. Use Google Assignments LTI 1.3 for new assignments
      - How to communicate to students who you have not received an assignment:
      1. Open Canvas > Grades
      2. Click the "Three Dots" next to the assignment name.
      3. Select "Message Students Who"
      4. Full Directions: HERE

      Classroom Communication Options:

      The following Communication tools are available for teachers and are automatically synced with your Synegy classes, daily:

      Return to School Tips

      PHASE 1: CDL setup at school
      1. Take a picture of your home technology setup (including the cable connections)
      2. Use this as a guide for your initial CDL setup in the classroom to ease transition
      3. Call Help Desk for remote support on connections (503-431-4051)

      PHASE 2: Returning to “New” Normal
      1. With Hybrid instruction in mind, consider the set up you need to make the most of in-person instruction (projector use, document camera, etc.)
      2. Place a Tech Request for any assistance you may need for this setup. ES Technicians will work through submitted tech requests and associated classrooms over spring break to set up equipment left out.

      Friday, March 5, 2021

      Technology Update (March 5, 2021)


      THIS Weekend = Maintenance: We reserve the first weekend of each month to perform system and network maintenance to ensure the heath and security of our computer systems.

      • Please anticipate possible interruptions in service on Sunday, March 7th (school network maintenance, email, Synergy access, Google Drive login, etc.)
      • Communication will be sent to families/students as well.

      Secondary school Hybrid/100% Online sign up:

      • Secondary school families will have the opportunity to join school presentations in these coming weeks to learn how to use ParentVUE to sign up for Hybrid or 100% online instruction.  
      • Please reference this video for additional instructions for families or support staff:

      Return to School

      • Our IT Department has been planning for "Return to School" since last March when we began Distance Learning.  We are continuing to work and test the following in preparation:
        • Dark Fiber at 100% of our schools (increased bandwidth)
        • APs in each classroom
        • Maintenance of network switches and access points (APs)
        • Testing and troubleshooting of any wireless or network issues as staff have been working in schools during this time of CDL
      • If you run into wifi issues as you return.  Here are some TIPS:
        1. Turn Wifi On/Off 
          1. This "drops" your computer connection to whatever it believes it's connected to - last AP (home, another classroom, etc.)
        2. Reboot. 😀
        3. Access Point Light "decoding"
          1. BLUE = working with min 1 device attached,
          2. GREEN = Working but no devices attached 
          3. FLASHING OF ANY COLOR = not working correctly
        4. Call 503-431-4051 (Help Desk) or submit a tech request with the following:
          1. Location / can we get the label off access point?
          2. Did you move locations recently?
          3. Full description of issue

          Welcome Back 2024

          (don't forget to scroll down to catch up on previous posts about MFA and GenerativeAI use at TTSD) ParentSquare Launches at TTSD - Augus...