Tuesday, January 29, 2019

G Suite (GMail, Google Docs, etc.) experienced disruption this AM - RESOLVED

At 4:00am this morning...

Google Apps for Business

Status: Service disruption
We're aware of a problem with Gmail affecting a significant subset of users. The affected users are unable to access Gmail, Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Classroom, Chat and various other services.
Users are getting 404s when signing-in

And then at 5:30am this morning...

Google Apps for Business
Status: Service disruption

Gmail service has already been restored for some users, and we expect a resolution for all users within the next 1 hours. Please note this time frame is an estimate and may change. The affected users are unable to access Gmail, Google Docs, Sheets, Classroom, Slides, Chat and various other services.

Monday, January 14, 2019

EMAIL SCAM: "Are you available?"

All staff:

Please be aware there continue to be email scams targeting our staff.  There are many warning signs to look for in identifying an email scam, including:   
  1. Sender's email address that is close to our district email (or just use the name of the individual they are impersonating), but not correct. Please look carefully at the sender's email address. Check with the individual (via phone or face to face, if in question).
  2. The grammar in the emails is often not proper English or commonly used phrases.
  3. NEVER send money or offer to pay for something for someone, when initiated through email like the one below.
Please pass this information along to your coworkers.

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: avanvleet@ttsd.k12.or.us <avanfleet.ttsd.k12.or.us@gmail.com> 
Date: Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 5:20 PM   
Subject: Re: Are you Available ?
are you available?
i will need you to help me get a eBay gift card activated at the store of $100 each in 5 pieces total of $500 I’ll be reimbursing you after the meeting i only need the pictures of the cards with receipt 🧾 you scratch it after the meeting....

Welcome Back 2024

(don't forget to scroll down to catch up on previous posts about MFA and GenerativeAI use at TTSD) ParentSquare Launches at TTSD - Augus...