Monday, November 30, 2020

Technology Update (Week of November 30th)

THIS Weekend = Maintenance: We reserve the first weekend of each month to perform system and network maintenance to ensure the heath and security of our computer systems.

  • Please anticipate possible interruptions in service on Sunday, December 8th (email, Synergy access, Google Drive login, etc.)
  • Communication will be sent to families/students as well.

Monday, Dec 7th, we will be placing a new security feature when you login to the Employee Portal.  Beginning Monday, login to the Employee Portal will now require two-factor authentication for your security and you will be prompted for a code that will be emailed to you.

Status Update for Common Apps: Canvas, Meet/Google, Synergy, TTSD WebFilter: As we continue to maintain all systems related to Comprehensive Distance Learning, there are times when systems or services fail or are slow to respond.  

  • Please visit the TTSD Knowlegdgebase website ( for status updates on these popular, widely used apps:

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Technology Update (Sunday, November 22, 2020)

  1. MORNING EMAIL SENT TO ALL STUDENTS, grades 5-12: Over this past weekend, all K-12 TTSD student Google account profile pictures were changed to student school photos.  During a time when teachers cannot physically meet in a classroom with you, it's more challenging for them to get to know all of their students. By making your student account profile picture your student photo, it makes it that much easier for teachers to connect with students -- and for them to recognize faces with names.

  3. Reopening 2020 - Digital Resources for Quarter 2

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Technology Update (Sunday November 15, 2020)

  1. IPad Battery Life - iPads are not capable of live streaming a video conference (like Google Meet) for 4 hours straight without being charged or plugged in during the day.... 
    1. The IT department is getting increased calls from concerned parents regarding their iPads not staying charged all day while staying connected to Google Meet during classroom “breaks” or work time.
    2. Battery hardware issues? = iPads that cannot hold a charge for an hour. Troubleshooting - look for the charging battery icon on the iPad, close unused Safari tabs/windows (we’ve seen some students with 100s of tabs open), try a different outlet or cable, try using the iPad while plugged in during class.  
    3. When students are not actively participating in a live class, students should DISCONNECT from Google Meet.  Keeping Google Meet active for hours at a time requires a LOT of bandwidth and battery life, which may require iPads be plugged in. 
  2. November 16th: Quarter 2 = NEW TERM!
    1. Check out the KB articles to help you set up your new course cards (MS & HS teachers):
    2. Elementary Teachers: Look for new grading period (Quarter 2) to help “Reduce the clutter” in your Canvas grade book, beginning November 19th!
  3. Fine Tuning your Online Classroom:
    1. Google Meet:
      1. Breakout rooms = small group work and discussions to build opportunities for student=talk
      2. Troubleshooting?  Update Chrome browser, close extra tabs and applications, minimize the number of “extra” applications you may have open/running (AirServer, Jabber, etc.)
        1. TIP: try connecting to Google Meet off your iPad/Chromebook and share your screen using this 2nd device...
    2. Canvas Features/Tips:
      1. To Do list details
      2. Notifications = where to easily find Teacher Comments
      3. New Analytics“:
        1. Guide for teachers View course grade and participation analytics, Send a message to all students based on specific course grade or participation criteria
        2. Guide for Students: Student-specific overall grade, online participation, communication

    3. Digital Resources that use Clever:
      1. Looking for a direct link to digital tools that use Clever?  (RazKids, Adelante, iReady, Naviance, etc. ) Complete this form to have the resource added to your Canvas Course menu(s): Canvas Menu Link Request

Welcome Back 2024

(don't forget to scroll down to catch up on previous posts about MFA and GenerativeAI use at TTSD) ParentSquare Launches at TTSD - Augus...