Sunday, September 3, 2017

Newly imaged MacBook Air and iMacs- LOGIN

Over the summer, we transitioned to a more efficient means for imaging our Macs.  As a result, it's important to know when you use one of these imaged Macs

  •  all elementary and middle school silver student MacBook Air mobile labs
  • A few iMac computer labs in middle and high school
  • ALL new teacher computers
To log in, click "Other" and type in your staff user account and password.  STUDENTS should use the account "student" and this password (CLICK FOR PASSWORD).

In the future, all Macs will operate this way.  The local teacher account and local student account (no password) will soon disappear from our environment,

If you have any questions, please submit a tech request,

1 comment:

Rona Wedmore said...

The transition to MAC Computers even for middle school students have to be a massive step of production. I mean, they’ve got doors opened for them now. Once I got my Lenovo Pad in high school, I found routes automatically to pay to write my assignment by highly qualified professionals inputting key info in my essays specifically. So, why not drag this approach to even elementary schools?

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