- ALL TEACHERS: Please complete this Classroom Instruction & Technology Tools before June 9th.
- And... please look for the corresponding student survey with instructions to post in your online classroom.
- All students in grades K-11 (with exception of 5th grade and 8th grade and students who know they will not be returning to TTSD in the fall) will keep their devices over the summer for continued learning (See TTSD Summer Reading Challenge through SORA).
- (incoming) 9th graders will pick up their Chromebooks & 6th graders will pick up their iPads after July 1st. See your school for details on (current) 5th grade and 8th grade device drop off times.

- Summer Reading Challenge through SORA << online books students can read and listen to ALL SUMMER using their TTSD Google Login. (ie If you haven't logged in yet, take a look:
- New Audio Book Additions
- Books En Español
- Other great reads that are relevant to our current world, like White Fragility
Download New Songs
happy songs
Download New Songs
مسیح و آرش AP
امیر تتلو
ماکان باند
محسن ابراهیم زاده
به نظرم هر کسی باید به روز باشه و اخبار فرهنگی رو دنبال کنه
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