Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Week of April 18th

New Synergy Tool for Secondary Level Teachers - "Student Profile"

  • From the TeacherVUE seating chart view, click on any student & select "Student Profile" from the list. A dashboard of data about the selected student will appear, including the following data:
    • Attendance
    • Discipline
    • Course History/Graduation credits
    • Test History
    • Health concerns

Cyber Security Awareness @ TTSD

  • Why Cyber Security?
    • Data protection
    • personal privacy
    • student/staff safety
    • business operations (ie payroll)
  • How?
    • phishing scams (email)
    • SMS/text message
    • phone calls
    • Internet/Web "hacks"
    • Computer compromise = Ransomware
  • TTSD Response to Improve Cyber Security (a few...):
    • Multi-factor authentication on staff Google accounts
    • Improve security access to servers/systems
    • Remove local administrative rights on user/staff computers
  • Spring Cyber Security Training for ALL Staff can self-enroll in the course HERE: (to get a jump-start)
    • You can also wait to be invited to the Canvas course at the end of April 2022.

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AI Guidance for Staff

Staff are prohibited from entering confidential or  personally identifiable information (PII)  into unapproved AI tools, such as those witho...