Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Update from Technology (Week of October 26th) - Down Day Sunday is THIS weekend!

November Network "down day" This Weekend

  • Sunday, November 1st "Down Day"
  • Please communicate to your families during conferences:
    • No App download from Self Service - Sat & Sunday
    • Sunday afternoon - reinstall most used iPad Apps Canvas Student, Google Meet, etc. 
  • Email and text communication will also be sent to our families Friday to explain how some services may not be available (like iPads' Self Service) over the weekend.

Parent Tips for Canvas

  • Canvas Parent App: 
    • Quick access to:
      • Class grade
      • Missing/Late Assignments & Alerts
  • Web Browser Canvas Access (even on a mobile device):
    • Missing/Late Assignments
    • To Do List (Up Next) for all students/children
    • Comments from teachers >> Found under Grade Menu

G Suite Enterprise for Education 

  • At the end of September Google ended their "Free" access to G Suite Enterprise for Education.  We renewed our licensed with Google Enterprise to gain advanced features of Meet, including:
    • Larger meetings (up to 250 participants)
    • Live streaming for up to 100,000 in-domain viewers
    • Record meetings
    • Attendance reports
    • Breakout rooms
    • Q&A
    • Polls
  • If you do not have these tools, please place a tech request and we will work with you and your TTSD account. 

HP Printer Issues

  • Some crazy new printer errors are popping up on Macs who are trying to print to HP printers.
  • If you see the following message, please submit a tech request for a quick fix.

1 comment:


Connect HP printer to mobile through 123.hp/setup· Switch on your HP printer and open the website on your phone.

AI Guidance for Staff

Staff are prohibited from entering confidential or  personally identifiable information (PII)  into unapproved AI tools, such as those witho...