Thursday, October 21, 2021

Technology Update - Week of Oct 18, 2021


TTSD Filter Update = "Update Now"

You may notice a Smart Agent update on your Mac computers, if. you see the following, please DO click "Update Now." The update will take place in the background...

Canvas Release Notes (2021-10-16)

Additional Details, see the 2021-10-16 Community Tag

New Features

  • Navigation: Sticky Navigation Menus
  • SpeedGrader: Submission Status Label Edits

Updated Features

  • Gradebook: Assignment Search
  • Notifications: Course Notification Customization

Feature Previews

  • Rich Content Editor: Accessibility Checker Indicator Default Setting Adjustment

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AI Guidance for Staff

Staff are prohibited from entering confidential or  personally identifiable information (PII)  into unapproved AI tools, such as those witho...