Thursday, November 4, 2021

Week of November 1, 2021

 Secondary Teachers: Canvas and Synergy

Last year we introduced Canvas as the TTSD LMS, due to its ability to manage more online learning needs . These features included: integration with 3rd party apps, a fully functional grade book, parent interface, and the potential sync to Synergy to ease in grade posting and transfer to Synergy to name a few.  Additionally, ur new MTSS system (iON) is able to pull grade book assignments and grades from Synergy to help us identify students who are in need of additional support, saving our staff countless hours data mining systems to create adhoc reports for weekly meetings. 

It's been a stressful start to the Fall 2021 school year, and I want to acknowledge quite a few things have changed since we left TTSD schools in March 2020.  As we try to settle into this school year and embrace all that it has to offer, I'm very aware that some of the systems setup was just "too much" for many at the beginning of the year.  

Conferences last week were a great opportunity for us to view our setup from parents perspective. We have found it's important to "regroup" and ensure Canvas is set up to communicate well with students and parents.  So, we have created TWO helpful knowledgebase (KB) articles to help our teachers review their Canvas setup so it syncs seamlessly with Synergy (and therefore with the MTSS system and displays an overall course grade for student/parents).

Highlights for Teachers:

  • Use Canvas gradebook exclusively for all of your class assignments (digital or paper/pencil or participation points)
  • Match your Assignment Groups in Canvas with your Assignment categories in Synergy grade book
  • Double check the assignments you want to sync are in sync
    • by either comparing your Grades in Canvas with the Synergy gradebook
    • or an alternate way is to ask a student to show you both views from their perspective (this will help you see how it appears to students and parents)
  • Set up your Canvas course card to "nightly sync" with Synergy
  • Review the KB articles for tips and tricks on grade passback (Canvas > Synergy).

2021-22 Canvas Course Setup Checklist - Secondary Teachers

 Elementary Teachers: Canvas and Seesaw

As many of you complete your Canvas course card setup, we have heard that some teachers are enjoying the use of SeeSaw with younger students.  To create an EASY link from Canvas to SeeSaw, you can download the following SeeSaw image and use the CRAZY long link to link the image directly to SeeSaw (magically without having to go through Clever app first):



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