Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Technology Update (February 23, 2021)

Google Meet - NEW: End Meet for All

NEW FEATURE in GOOGLE MEET : "When a host is done with a meeting and wants to leave, they now have two options:
  • Leave meeting: The host will leave the meeting, but the meeting will continue.
  • End meeting for all: Everyone, including people in breakout rooms, will be ejected from the meeting. Participants will be informed that the host has ended the meeting. Once the meeting has been ended, people will not be able to rejoin, unless the host rejoins first.

We recommend that, after ending a meeting, if a host wants to meet with a new group of people, that they create a new meeting. This can help prevent previous participants from joining."

Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) 

macOS Big Sur - To Update? or Not To Update?

  • For those of you on Mac computers, TTSD has released the ability to update to macOS "Big Sur" (aka Version 11.x).  Should you?
    • There is NO NEED to immediately update to Big Sur before Spring Break.
    • If you want to have the newest operating system on your Mac (always best practice), you'll need to ensure you have enough disk space on your computer and you are backed up.  In many cases of the update, it has failed and the computer must be restored (meaning all is lost on your computer and files will need to be pulled from your last successful backup).  

Middle School Student iPads using Canvas WebClip

  • TTSD began the 2020-21 school year evaluating the Canvas student APP vs a "WebClip" [a Webclip is a shortcut on the iPad home screen that takes the user to a URL using Safari browser, and not an App]
    • Beginning March 1st, all Middle School Student will have the option to use either the Canvas Student App or the Canvas Student WebClip.  Students may choose to use either or BOTH.
    • The benefits of introducing the WebClip to students are the following:
      •  Full web browser experience and format, suggested improvements:
        • Dashboard - single location to view To Do, Recent Feedback, link to grades
        • Calendar - full screen, details of assignments on the calendar date
        • Pages/Modules - menu driven and browser-feel
        • Ease of turning in Assignments - ie Google Docs, multiple files

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Welcome Back 2024

(don't forget to scroll down to catch up on previous posts about MFA and GenerativeAI use at TTSD) ParentSquare Launches at TTSD - Augus...